New Mind (poem)


Does anyone know
where i can get a
new mind? Mines not 
what it used to be,
knackered neural networks.
I dunno if it picked
up a virus, some kind
of Trojan thingy. Or
if the coding is just
outdated, defunced.
It doesn't save when
I want it to, the graphics
seem blurred and
the sound only really 
works in one speaker.
The spell check has never worked,
and Excel is a mess. Its
takes a good hour to boot,
usually accompanied with
a faint smell of burned rubber.
I don't mind a refurb,
As long as the processor
is decent and it doesn't
whirr, buzz or overheat.
Not like it'll have to mine bitcoin!
The kid down the road with
the glasses says he could soon build
me one from scratch, all he'd need
is a few hundred quid and 
the "specs" I wanted. 

He said it'd be all new
Better, faster, stronger than before,
wouldn't get overwhelmed by data
and less likely to suffer breakdowns...
...but who'd be programming it?
Maybe I'll stick with what I got.
Give the vents a hoover, try a
new operating system, some new
software...And a bit of patience
when the old bugger wont load.
