As Kamasi Blew (poem)


I was out walking today

Trying to clear my head

After a morning of too much study, Twitter

And coffee.

On the way to town, listening to jazz

I tried to slow down my mind

Counting flat, fallen, autumn leaves

Making words from number plates

Avoiding kids on their bikes.

I came out of Boots with

My blue sweets for the weekend

And stopped for a double espresso.

Having just crossed the road, it hit me:

Today, this week, this lifetime

Is just a blink in the history of humankind.

Which is just a blink in time itself.

No matter what I do

No matter what is done to me

The world will carry on regardless….

Such a wonderfully ego crushing insight

I felt light, things made sense.

I strolled on with a smile on my face

As Kamasi blew…..
